Kitty Knievel and I

If you haven’t already gathered from my many other posts, I find there are definitely a lot of benefits to being in an open relationship. One of them is sometimes being lucky enough to sleep with friends and then actually continue being friends with little to minimal weirdness between you. I wrote a post about that very subject almost a year ago that I recommend you read before we continue here, so here’s the link!

Back? Good. Ok so now that you’ve read my generic thoughts on the topic I wanted to share with you a recent example of sexy friend time in action.

I have a delightful girlfriend named … Kitty Knievel that I just adore. We met online on okCupid and hit it off pretty quickly. She lives a bit far away from me so I don’t get to see her as much as I’d like so recently I took a trip to visit her for a fun evening.

Kitty’s situation is such that she’s in a semi-open relationship with girls only. Her husband is supporting our country while she’s at home with her daughter. She misses him a lot and I think he’s an amazing fella’ for many reasons, one being that he’s cool with her having lady lova’s. She’s probably on social media more than I am, if that’s possible so we communicate a LOT. She’s super cute, saucy, totally honest and open-minded. In fact, most of the things that people say they admire in me, I adore in her, and no that’s not narcissistic. (I also love her to bits for being cool with me writing this post about her! Thanks doll!)

Anyway. Kitty and I have been talking about fucking for a long time. We’ve had lovely chats about BDSM discovering that we share many of the same interests. We can talk about sex with other people or with each other and there isn’t jealousy, just arousal, interest and good conversation. Maybe it’s because we live so far away or maybe it’s because she’s new to being open but there also isn’t any drama between us and that’s just AWEsome.

When I visited her recently, I will admit we got very drunk. Drunk enough that those of you who follow me on Twitter might remember how many drinks I’d had that night (over the course of 10 hours at least); but not drunk enough that I’d forget being with her or wouldn’t have done it sober. After flirting back and forth all night and telling our companions that we had to leave to go do it, we ended up back in her bed. It was so easy being with her and I didn’t feel any insecurities. Everything that the submissive side of me usually wants I knew that she wanted. What would make me moan, made her shiver. I wanted to take in every inch of her, every touch and every curve. While she might disagree because us gals can often knock ourselves down, she seemed so amazingly comfortable in her own skin and sex appeal.

Around 5:30 am we were both spent and decided to get some sleep. She snuggled up next to me, wanting to spoon – adORable. I was content laying there stroking her to sleep. Being able to switch and be the one taking care of someone else instead of the one that’s usually being taken care of was really nice. It rarely happens with boys and I, but with girls it’s often the case. Except of course with Betty. That woman takes care of me like no one’s business. I am totally the Kitty to her Sam. The three of us … woah, that’d be a trip and a half …

I digress. There’s something about being with someone and not questioning myself or my bisexuality. Kitty and I both know where we stand with each other and it’s sweet. She knows I adore her, mocks me for it and that is a-ok with me. Steph knows that she’s one of my close friends and is happy for me and hopefully her husband is happy too, albeit sad that he’s far away right now.

There is no grand lesson to this post, no moral to the story. I just wanted to share with you another one of the beautiful people in my life that I am thrilled to bits to have there.