Pwning, Part II

As the God fearing character “Manny” returns to tell us we’re all doing bad things on Sexie Sadie’s blog, I couldn’t help but comment back at him and since I wrote so much I wanted to share with all of you!

Here’s his latest comment, and you can read mine below. Fun with God and open relationships!

Manny said…

First of all I’m not Christian. Secondly, of course it is very easy to read the bible like a book and find what seem to be conflicting statements and inaccuracies. However, if someone is looking for excuses for their behavior there is an abundance of them out there. The bible is too complex to just read like a work of fiction and claim they know Gods word.

What I believe is that God, the Bible and everything holy is so powerful and so truthful that if everything in the Bible was clear cut there would be no free choice. When someone sins he would die and so on. But the reason we humans are on this planet is to be human. Make mistakes, learn from them. Read, explore and try to find the truth, the real truth. The truth that makes so much sense that your body and soul feel warm with happiness. The tranquility and the happiness one feels when he knows that he is doing the right things are impalpable.

There is no doubt in my mind that all of you living alternate lives and not truly happy. It is simply physically impossible. Just like it is impossible to touch fire and not get burned. You can cut your nerves and claim that since you don’t feel the fire you are not getting burned, but we all know you are getting burned, badly. God, who created the world and everything in it told us what will make us happy and content. And if we act otherwise we will not be happy. We may try very hard to put the sadness, the loneliness, the misery and hide somewhere deep into the subconscious. But eventually it pops up and you realize you are badly burned.

I agree it is an extreme inadequacy on my part that I keep coming back here and I just can’t help myself. I am not blaming anyone for what they do or don’t do. That would be the height of hypocrisy. My only point is, pls don’t say what you are doing is good. At least acknowledge that it is bad but you can’t help yourself. Don’t claim that your lifestyle is great and everybody should be doing it because that will bring they greatest calamity the world has ever known. God has never let civilization come to a point where acts of the type portrayed in this blog are commonplace.

We are seeing the self destructing of our society before our very eyes; all politicians are corrupt and arrogant from republicans to democrats. All everyone cares about is power, money and attention. The lifestyles that kept our civilization intact for thousands of years are being destroyed in systematic way and in an unimaginable way just a few years ago.

But just like the Phoenix a new civilization will be born, hopefully with the realization of the one and only eternal God the creator of the World known and perceived by all mankind and in his full Glory. So help us God.

Sam said:

Manny, if what I am doing makes me happy, makes me happy and brings joy and love into the lives of people I know, then guess what … I’m going to say it’s great. Before you start assuming that everyone in an open relationship thinks that everyone should be doing it, you should try to understand more where people are coming from, the purpose of blogs, etc.

My blog, and I’m sure Sadie’s as well are meant as personal diaries that we share with the world. If people going through similar situations can learn from them, great. If people just read them for entertainment, then great. If people don’t want to read them, sure, also great.

But nowhere do *most* polyamorous people state that we think everyone should follow in our footsteps. I might not think that monogamy is 100% natural, but I don’t disagree with the hundreds of thousands of people that choose to live their lives in that coupling. What works for you, is what works for you. Who am I to come in and say otherwise?

And who are you to come along and say that people who are living their lives with openness and honesty, respecting others, growing with others, admitting their faults and embracing their strengths and most importantly being happy are wrong and bad?

This ‘real truth’ that you are talking about is what many of us get to experience each and every day. My relationship being open forced me to admit a lot of truths and to learn to work towards being truly happy in my relationship and helping my husband be so as well. That would seem to be to fit with the “truth” you say we should be seeking.

I suppose that by talking about relationships so openly and communicating with our partners is bad instead of hiding our physical and emotional desires and fueling possible resentment and hostility by not communicating to the best of our abilities which must, in your eyes, be good.

I am sorry that you feel that someone who says they are happy isn’t truly happy. That you cannot see the joy that we experience as valid and let it influence your life in a positive way instead of wanting to knock it down and dissect it, for whatever God fearing reasons that exist in your mind.

I know this is an argument we can never win. You’ll always think that everything we say is a lie that we’re telling ourselves to get through the days while we know that we’re being more honest than we ever have before. And we’ll always think that you’re a nutbar while you tell yourself that your reasoning is based in logic and that really, you’re an open person who loves everyone.

So stay nutty. It looks good on you and even better on us.

3 Responses

  1. I love this. Thank you, Sam, for sticking by your ideals and putting ‘ol Manny in his place on my blog.


  2. What we look for, we will find. If we look for the world falling apart, that is what we will find. If we look for loving intentions behind various types of relationships, that is what we will find.

    Spirituality is about love. It is about freedom. It is about getting in touch with Source, and your higher personal power. It is positive. It is love. It is getting in the flow of the planet, whether we feel that as God, energy, source, conscious energy flow, etc.

    There is no winning a conflict over values. Society is readjusting after thousands of years of repression and forcing people to live a certain way. This is what it looks like when people are free – and do not live in the box anymore.

    Everything will be OK. We are all capable of living together on the planet, loving as we please, not hurting anyone, in integrity and honesty. We will be OK. xo

  3. Sam,

    You have taken the high road on this debate with Manny and I truly admire your strength.

    I can’t help but wonder though if Manny is aware of the centuries of corruption that that riddled the churches. If I am not mistaken I do believe that for quite some time Priests and even Popes had mistresses, courtesans, lovers and the like. This was just the way it was and it was accepted.

    Were these men frowned upon by God? I’m not sure. No one knows as, “God” hasn’t made an appearance in a very long time. I think the last time God had anything to say to us was around the time bushes were burning and seas were parting.

    While an open lifestyle isn’t for everyone it is a suitable lifestyle choice for some. For many. And there are variations on this lifestyle as well. (As you well know of me!)

    I’d like to point out to Manny that I am currently in a loving marriage that is partially open. My husband has set rules down for me and I abide by them with complete acceptance. He does not feel threatened or hurt by our choices and he does not use God as a crutch to get me to do what he wants.

    And while this is veering slightly off topic I would like to point out to Manny that it seems, to me at least, that the majority of the worlds ethics based troubles are caused not by those who are accepting of other people’s choices but by those who are NOT. Folks who are open minded and accepting of the fact that we all have the power to make our decisions are not the ones causing upheaval and discord in our society.

    The troubles are being caused by those who feel that it is their “right” to force their opinions and lifestyles on others.

    When was the last time a Pagan, Atheist or open minded Christian threw rocks at someone who didn’t necessarily agree with their beliefs?

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